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A Shift in American Family Values Is Fueling Estrangement:
Both parents and adult children often fail to recognize how profoundly the rules of family life have changed over the past half century......

ESTRANGED: When feeling good about ourselves matters more than filial duty...
‘We haven’t heard from our son in five years. We thought, with the pandemic and all, that he’d finally reach out with just a “Hey, wanted...

Culture Apothecary - Why Family Estrangement Happens & How To Fix It
Why Family Estrangement Happens & How To Fix It | Dr. Joshua Coleman, PhD Culture Apothecary Podcast on YouTube:...

CNN: How Political Divides Are Destroying Families
Listen to Dr. Joshua Coleman on CNN's The Assignment with Audie Cornish

The Washington Post: Radical Acceptance Can Help Build Emotional Resiliency
Read the full article here.

NPR Here and Now: Why More Children are Ending Relationships With Their Parents
Joshua Coleman, a clinical psychologist based in the Bay Area and author of the book, "Rules of Estrangement: Why Adult Children Cut Ties...

TIME: How Estrangement Has Become an Epidemic in America
An op-ed by Joshua Coleman and Will Johnson, published December 13, 2024. Read the full article here.

USA Today: Politics and family feel more fraught this Thanksgiving. Data shows they are. | Opinion
This year's election split voters down the middle. Now, as the nation sets the table for the winter holidays, it's doing the same thing...

Vox: Family estrangement doesn’t have to be forever
Getty Images/fStop Kerry Rego, 47, always had a rocky relationship with her dad. His drinking and passive-aggressive behavior eventually...

The Guardian: ‘I never want you around your grandchild’: the families torn apart when adult children decide to go ‘no contact’
Illustration: Anna Parini/The Guardian ‘I never want you around your grandchild’: the families torn apart when adult children decide to...

The Washington Post: How soulmate parenting can lead to parent-child estrangement
In soulmate parenting, a parent is required to be best friend, sensitive listener, cheerleader and diagnostician, a psychologist says.

The Washington Post: A psychologist explains how a new in-law can tear a family apart
As a psychologist, I often hear about how a once-close son or daughter became distant from or even ceased contact with their family after...

Guest Post: Top Ten Steps to Prevent Political Differences from Ruining Your Family Relationships
“If you vote for Trump in the upcoming election, we are through.” Thus began a letter from a son to his Boomer parents. “I was somewhat...

The Washington Post: The heartbreak of parent-child estrangement and how to cope
When one of my patients thinks about her daughter, she remembers sitting with her in the neonatal intensive care unit for five weeks...

How Parents Can Heal Rifts with Their Adult Children
APRIL 15, 2024, Scientific American, Dr. Joshua Coleman Repairing a broken parent-adult child relationship is possible if both sides...

Josh in Conversation with Mel Robbins!

mind stories with Dr. Josephine McNary
MindStories Video – Helping Estranged Parents and Families | Joshua Coleman, Ph.D. by calpsychiatry | Jun 21, 2023 | Family, Mental...

Adult Children Far More Likely to Be Estranged From Dad Than Mom
By Amy Norton HealthDay Reporter TUESDAY, Dec. 20, 2022 (HealthDay News) -- Many young U.S. adults are estranged from their parents, at...

How to know when it’s time to walk away from a sibling
By Kristen Rogers, CNN Updated 3:14 AM EST, Thu January 12, 2023 CNN — As Prince Harry’s accounts of a troubled relationship with his...

The Key to Escaping the Couple-Envy Trap
Remember that even the partnerships you admire have periods of boredom, burden, or dissatisfaction. ~By Joshua Coleman As a couples...
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