Thursday May 18, 4:30 pm Pacific / 7:30 pm Eastern
*After registering, you will receive a confirmation email with information and zoom link.
*Please note: The first 1,000 attendees can be admitted to this zoom meeting.
All who register will receive a recording.
The pain of estrangement is one of the greatest challenges that most parents / grandparents will ever face.
Now, for the first time, Rabbi Simon Jacobson, a renowned member of the clergy and founder of the Meaningful Life Center, joins Dr. Joshua Coleman, an international expert in parental estrangement, in conversation about this growing epidemic.
Dr. Coleman’s knowledge, and Rabbi Jacobson's wisdom, make this an epic event. Moderated by Barbra Drizin.
Rabbi Simon Jacobson shares emotional, psychological, and spiritual skills to help people live their most meaningful lives. An “engaged sage” with an open, empathetic, and non-judgmental approach, he provides clarity, solutions, and new perspectives based on timeless teachings. He is the author of the best-selling book “Toward a Meaningful Life.”
Learn more at www.meaningfullife.com.
Dr. Joshua Coleman, an international expert in parental estrangement, is a psychologist in private practice in the San Francisco Bay Area.
“RULES OF ESTRANGEMENT” is the most comprehensive look at this growing epidemic and topics include the agony of parental estrangement, current cultural influences, the many pathways to estrangement, abandoned grandparents, strategies and interventions, and the Adult Child’s perspective. Learn more at www.drjoshuacoleman.com
Barbra Drizin’s personal journey led her to renowned psychologist, Dr. Joshua Coleman.
Barbra is a Coach for Estranged Parents and Grandparents.
Barbra co-led the first retreat for Estranged Parents and Grandparents (“Healing By the Lake” with author Joyce Maynard at Joyce’s retreat center on Lake Atitlan, Guatemala. Learn more at www.barbradrizin.com